
• 凡在 TBC (包括X日,中国时间) 期间,在cn.mybag.com网站下单并寄往中国内地的顾客,按照相关法律法规缴纳相应税金的,可以领取以账户信用积分形式的全额退税(退税金额不高于£30);
• 符合条件的顾客可于TBC (包括X日,中国时间)前联系Mybag中文网站客服;
• 我们建议顾客确保订单的收货人姓名和您身份证ID上的姓名一致,以保证清关顺利;
• 联系Mybag官网客服时,请您出具海关完税证明、订单编号、订单日期和金额;
• 账户信用积分于添加当日生效,有效期60天;
• 同一笔订单,如顾客申请账户信用积分,则无法再享受其他补贴(如税补代金劵)。如同一账号和订单多次申请代金券和税补积分,有被注销的风险。
• 本活动仅限于个人顾客,用户网站注册账号,收件人和缴税人的姓名必须一致才可申请账户信用积分。第三方购买平台或下单平台不参与本次活动。
• cn.mybag.com有权在任何时刻决定暂停或停止此次活动。

Terms and Conditions

• During TBC (including X, China time) customers who place an order on cn.mybag.com, shipping to Mainland China and pay according duty can apply for a credit amount of custom duty (refund amount no more than £30). Duty refund will be credit applied to the customer's account.
• Customers who meet this condition need to contact the Mybag CN customer service department before TBC (including X, China time)
• Customers are suggested to make sure the name on the parcel is consistent with their ID to avoid any problems in paying tax.
• Please provide your custom duty clearance proof as well as your order number, order created date and the total cost of the order while contacting Mybag CN’s customer service department.
• Credit can be used from the day it is issued and expires after 60 days issuing.
• For a same order, customers can’t apply for tax rebate voucher after requesting for credits. Accounts showing applying for both credit and tax rebate vouchers might be disabled.
• This activity is for individual customers only. Parcel receiver, Custom tax payer and account name should be consistent while applying for credits. Third-party platforms are not included in the activity.
• cn.mybag.com reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.